Thursday, February 9, 2012

Something new, something different

Hi folks,

Just finished a new piece and can't wait to share it with the world. (Hello world.)

This piece is part of my children's illustration portfolio. It's meant to accompany a story about fear, visiting new places and a snake.

During the the summer of 2010, I spent 10 days camping and hiking in West Virginia, one specific hike was the inspiration for this drawing. Each day, regardless of where I was, I feared I would run into a snake. Knowing my luck,  the snake would be agitated and definitely poisonous. This black snake was the only snake I saw the whole trip- and it was sound asleep both times I past it on the trail!
The scene includes white oak trees (Quercus alba), sassafras (Sassafras albidum) and a black ratsnake (Elaphe obsoleta). On a side note, rat snakes are the largest snakes in West Virginia. They are constrictors that grow up to 8' long.

Here's a detail... I love putting in the little color pencil marks!

I'm hoping to illustrate a couple more experiences from West Virginia. So, check back for glow worms and a two-lined skink.

Thanks for visiting!

Ps. I was very lucky with snakes in WV. One of my Wilderness First Responder colleagues almost stepped on a baby "rattlesnake". Judging by the time of year, it was probably a northern copperhead. yikes!

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