Friday, June 3, 2011

End of the Term! Wrapping things up.

Today we finished classes and turned in our final projects for the Science Illustration program. While it will take awhile to fully process this last year, I am so thankful and excited about the future.  I have meet some of the most interesting and wonderful people this year.

This is the final illustration of coal, coal based products and one plant that turns into coal.  The text reads:

"Coal starts off as this grass. After millions of years of heat and pressure, the plants form different types of coal.  We use it to make lots of products.  Today common reeds can be found growing in marshes.  The grow to 15 feet in height.  They're no wimpy grass!"

I'm still researching the chemistry and geology behind this.  I'm hoping to learn more about the processes of plant decomposition and coal formation.  If anyone knows more about these processes, please let me know your thoughts on the illustration and description.

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